Facts and figures Your generosity over the last 10 years has enabled us to help more than 2000 individual Christians and their families per year, providing them with practical help and hope for the future. In the financial year 2022-2023 we were able to continue meeting all of our core funding grants. You all responded so generously to our appeals for help that we were able to continue to help so many Christians in need. We are proud to have been able to award grants of over £5.3 million since we started. 2022-2023 was a tough time for many with more calls on our money, a situation which continues now. We are so grateful at the way our supporters have pulled together to support Christians in the Holy Land. The trends in the UK of rising prices for food, utilities and travel were mirrored in the Holy Land, putting pressure on families who already have very little. If you would like to read more about the way we spend your donations, please click here for our Financial Update 2022-2023 leaflet. Trustee annual reports Our most recent Trustees reports are available for you to read below. Accounts to 30th April 2023 Accounts to 31st March 2022 Accounts to 31st March 2021 Accounts to 31st March 2020 Accounts to 31st March 2019Accounts to 31st March 2018 To see earlier years, please visit the Charity Commission's website: Charity Commission and search for Friends of the Holy Land. Manage Cookie Preferences