Prayer With the war continuing in South Israel and Gaza and the pressures to expand the conflict in the wider region, we ask you to join us in prayer for all using these dedicated prayers for peace here. Praying for our Christian family in the Holy Land is central to our work, in partnership with those who live and witness where Jesus prayed, taught, healed, died and rose again. HB Cardinal Pizzaballa asks us all to make this prayer on the Feast of the Assumption; please join us. A Second Form of Daily Prayer Seek the Lord while he may be found,call upon him while he is near. (Isaiah 55.6) Blessed be the Lord God of Israelhe has raised up for us a mighty Saviour (Luke 1.68,69)Incline your ear O God.O Lord, hear,O Lord, forgive,O Lord, listen and act. (Daniel 9.18,19)ReadingThe Letter of Paul to the Romans, chapter 12 verses 9-17,21Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honour. Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.Lord Jesusfull of grace and truth,empower our brothers and sistersin the land where you proclaimed the Good News.Fill them with your grace.Bless and guide the leaders of the Churches.Inspire teachers, medical workersand all who strengthen the lives of their communities.Look with compassion and mercy on all the people of that land.Draw them nearer to that daywhen justice and mercywill be sought for alland reconciliation will proclaim the wonders of your love.In your holy name we pray. Amen.Lord, inspire the Friends of the Holy Landto build on your foundations of justice, mercy and peace.You teach us to look for your kingdomamong the meek,those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,the merciful,the pure in heart and the peacemakers.Make me an ambassador for your kingdom,with our brothers and sisters in the Land of the Holy One.Fulfil in us your callingto be the salt of the earth,and lights of the world,to the glory of God the Father. Amen.Immortal, invisible,God only wise,in light inaccessible hidfrom our eyes,most blessed, most glorious,the Ancient of Days,almighty, victorious,thy great name we praise. (Walter Chalmers Smith 1824-1908. Based on 1 Timothy 1.17) If you would like to read our series of Lenten and Holy Week Reflections from various Palestinian clergy please click the link below. Read the reflections here Join our Prayer Bank To register to receive prayer resources and to show your solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land please click here Reflections Blog We are pleased to bring you a series of reflections on our Reflections Blog page. This will be a monthly series of blogs, click here to view the Blogs. Christmas sermons 2023 There are many powerful Christmas 2023 sermons, we have brought you a selection here To help you with your Daily Prayer Access our library of prayers and reflections, please click here Manage Cookie Preferences