When a family’s everyday lives are impacted by the kinds of challenges Christians in the Holy Land face, it can be difficult for them to hold onto a hope for a better future. However,  thanks to our supporters’ kindness, we are breathing life into children and young people’s dreams through the gift of education.

Yousef is a young man with a dream; he longs to pursue a career in medicine which would enable him to positively impact his community of Beit Sahour, a small town outside of Bethlehem famed for being where the angels told the shepherds of the good news of Christ’s birth.

Here Yousef attends the Latin Patriarch school, one of the best Christian schools in the area, where he is top of his class in many subjects. Without the financial support of Friends of the Holy Land, his family would struggle to pay the fees and therefore his ambitions would not be possible. Only the top students from the best schools are able to move onto study medicine in the West Bank, so our supporters are allowing his dream to grow into a real possibility.

Like many people across the world, Yousef’s family and local community have been severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. It is testament to his character that Yousef has seen those needs and wants to be on the frontline in providing help. He says, “I am thinking to study medicine in the future in order to find medicine of the coronavirus”. Isn’t it amazing that by blessing individuals with education, that they are then inspired to lead the way in blessing others?

Take a moment to watch Yousef thanking those who are facilitating his studies.

We have seen first-hand how investing in education opens the door to hope, not only for the individual studying, but also for the wider family and community. It is for this reason, we are expectant that the generous gifts that have been given towards education through the Pentecost Challenge will be able to impact a great number of Christians across the Holy Land.

The challenge doesn’t officially end until 30th June, so there is still time to make a donation or complete all or part of the challenge if you haven’t already.