Lord of all Compassion, we pray during these difficult days for all the peoples of the Holy Land.

May the gentleness of Christ prevail through the pain of conflict and mistrust,

May the presence of Christ heal the wounds that are inflicted,

May the hope and courage of Christ be with all who are desperate and dying,

May the truth of Christ enlighten those in positions of authority to seek new ways of living that foster harmony and mutual respect, and

May the peace of Christ dwell deep within the hearts of all in this the Land of the Holy One.

We ask this and all our prayers through the same, Jesus Christ, whose way is the most excellent way of love.


Provided by

Revd Canon David Longe, FHL Trustee and former Chaplain to the Archbishop in Jerusalem


God of our longing,

remember those who wait and hope for peace.

Hear our prayer and our lament

for our brothers and sisters in Palestine and Israel.

With them, we share a common story,

set in a common homeland.


Make common also a will to forgive,

to reconcile,

to make a just peace for the sake of all who live

in the Holy Land.

Open ears, eyes and hearts

and make a way toward justice

in the land we call ‘Holy’.


God all merciful, you dwell in all human hearts

and the Holy Land is wherever you make your home.

Heal these broken places where prophets preached,

where Moses and Jesus and Muhammad kept faith with you.

Be a sure support for those who work toward reconciliation

and make us all, however far away,

steadfast in their cause.


Our Lady, Queen of Palestine and Queen of Peace, pray for us and 

all who live in the Holy Land.


Provided by

Rev Canon Mark Madden, FHL Trustee and Secretary of the Holy Land Coordination Group, CBCEW


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