Archdeacons Mark and David have chosen to support Friends of the Holy Land as their charity for 2024. All monies raised during the Annual Visitations in June will go directly to supporting Christians in the Holy Land during these very turbulent times.

Friends of the Holy Land works to support the lives and witness of Christians living in the Holy Land through prayer and practical projects, recognising that their presence in the land where Jesus once walked is an important witness to all Christians.

In these deeply troubled times, our support for Christians in the Holy Land provides a lifeline for them. So many Christians have had their lives completely destroyed by this war, either directly for those in Gaza or indirectly for those in the the West Bank and Israel. Tourism has shut down, work permits have been withdrawn, many Christians have lost their ability to make a living. Friends of the Holy Land helps with emergency support and projects to help them rebuild a sustainable future to remain in the Holy Land.

Your support will help us to direct more help to Christians in the Holy Land, giving support and most of all, hope for the future.

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