Help us put more young Christians on the Road to Success in the Holy Land.

We're changing the future for young Christians living in the Holy Land. How? We offer vocational scholarships to promising young Christians who can't afford to study.

George is one of them. He's a nursing student at the University of Bethlehem, on track for a career that will benefit the West Bank thanks to our support.

What's the issue?

Areas like the West Bank and Gaza are crying out for new young nurses, for electricians and skilled carpenters to work on houses, and for hospitality workers like chefs to cater for tourists. 90% of those with qualifications can walk straight into a job! The problem is that young people from poor Christian families can't afford to study, and so they end up in labouring jobs, or unemployed, or join the many Christians who emigrate out of the Holy Land to work abroad.

How does it work?

Road to Success Scholarships pay half of a student's tuition fees directly to their college or university, enabling them to study. Our current scholarship students are 4 nursing and midwifery students at Bethlehem University (including George), 8 students in hospitality at a training college in Ramallah, and 20 in trade skills like carpentry at the Salesian College in Bethlehem. You can hear from some of them here

But we want to do more. As a new term starts this September, we want to enable more young people like George to get qualified and forge a future in their homeland.

You can help by giving a regular gift to our Road to Success Scholarship fund that sees them through their studies. £30 per month, with Gift Aid added, would be enough to cover one more scholarship for a future electrician or carpenter.

Click donate to invest in their future today!

It's all part of our vision to see the Christian community flourish and be a blessing in the Holy Land for generations to come. Thank you for your support.