Address by The Most Reverend Hosam E Naoum

Archbishop Hosam's Address Diocese at Majma (Church Council) 2024 Read more

Christmas Sermon by Rt Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich

Christmas sermon by Bishop Graham Usher Read more

An Advent Meditation 2023 by the Very Rev Andrew Nunn

How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is giv'n! Read more

Reflection for November by Revd John Reese

The words of the prophet Jeremiah come to mind: ‘We looked for peace but no good came; For a time of healing, but behold, terror.’ (Jeremiah 9.15) Read more

Reflection for October by Revd John Reese

As he came near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, ‘If you, even you, had only recognised on this day the things that make for peace ! But now they are hidden from your eyes’. Luke 19.41,42 Read more

Reflection by The Very Revd Canon Richard Sewell

A Reflection by The Very Rev’d Canon Richard Sewell, Dean of St George’s College, Jerusalem Read more

A Personal Reflection by the Revd Canon David Longe

A Personal Reflection by the Revd Canon David Longe on his return from the Holy Land Read more

Reflection by Bishop John Pritchard

"We want to ascend the ladder. But we follow a Saviour who was going in the other direction." Reflection by Rt Revd John Pritchard Read more

Pentecost Reflection from Archbishop Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

A wonderful Pentecost video message from His Beatitude Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem. Read more

Easter reflection by The Most Reverend Dr Hosam Naoum, Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem

Easter Greetings from Jerusalem, the Holy City of the Resurrection! Read more

Reflection by the Right Reverend Bishop John Stroyan, Bishop of Warwick

‘And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.’ Rev.22.2. Read more

Reflection by Revd John Reese

Thirsting for Hope and Strength in the Land of the Holy One Read more

Cardinal Vincent Nichols New Year Reflection

In 2023 may we deepen our faith and love for our Lord, Jesus, the Christ. Only then will we have the resources to support all who are in need through the difficult times ahead Read more

Advent Reflection by Bishop Michael Langrish

Hope is one of the great themes of Advent, but hope accompanied by judgement and warning too. Read more

Reflection by The Very Revd Andrew Nunn

When we make pilgrimage, it is the remembering that can be so fulfilling and so surprising – the purpose of the journey only becomes clear in the fulfilment as memory breaks through into life. ‘Do this in remembrance of me’ Read more

Reflection by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon

In 2009 I made my first pilgrimage to Israel, and I came away very moved to have visited the biblical sites and in particular the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre. Read more

Reflection by Bishop Christopher Chessun

We journey through many of the great sites of the Holy Land, pilgrims stand or sit or gaze across with a tangible sense of where Jesus was born or walked. Read more

August Reflection by Archbishop Bernard Longley

In the land of the Holy One we began to realise all that the Holy Spirit was achieving within us Read more

July Reflection by Bishop John Pritchard - One Peace at a time

Bishop John Pritchard asks "Isn’t that the way we’re all supposed to act as people of faith, wherever we live, building hope one peace at a time" Read more

Pentecost Reflection by Cardinal Vincent Nichols - May the Holy Spirit invigorate our wills and our determination to act

May the Holy Spirit invigorate our wills and our determination to act - Cardinal Nichols Read more

Easter Reflection by Lord Rowan Williams - God's Purpose and Presence revealed in the Land of the Holy One

God's Purpose and Presence revealed in the Land of the Holy One by Lord Williams Read more