We support education in the Holy Land as a vital way to ensure the future of Christian communities, funding students when this is beyond the resources of their families. State schools are Muslim, meaning that if parents wish their children to be educated as Christians, they need to send them to a Christian school. 

The Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem has 17 schools in the Holy Land. The Latin Patriarchate has 45 schools. Together they offer education to approximately 28,000 pupils of whom the majority are Christian. 

We also support specific educational institutions supporting the wider community such as the School of Joy in Beit Sahour, a special needs school

Give the gift of education

Sponsoring summer schools in Nablus and Aboud means young Christians receive some distraction and respite from the  difficulties of their daily lives as well as mixing with other non-Christians and learning to get along with each other. 

children enjoying summer school in Aboud

University of Gaza student

We also support students at universities in Gaza and Bethlehem, like Natalie who is studying accountancy at Gaza University thanks to an FHL scholarship.

Helping young people to get a good education, especially those training for a specific discipline such as medicine, helps them to build a future in the Holy Land.

In Gaza youth unemployment is extremely high so it is even more important to give them the education to help themselves and find a job.

Sponsor a student