Our response to Gaza

Read about how we are responding to the unfolding situation in Gaza and the Holy Land Read more


Praying for our Christian family in the Holy Land is central to our work, in support of our Christian Brothers and Sisters in the West Bank, Gaza, Israel and Jordan Read more

School of Joy

Learn more about the School of Joy and the help they give to students who often would otherwise not attend a school Read more


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About us

How we work and our objectives Read more

Dying son

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Library of Blogs

A library of blogs which can be downloaded Read more

Library of Prayers

A library of past prayers and reflections Read more

Our vision

Our vision Read more

Friends of the Holy Land prayer

The Friends of the Holy Land Prayer Read more

Facts and figures

Your generosity over the last 10 years has enabled us to help more than 2000 individual Christians and their families, providing them with practical help and hope for the future Read more


We rely on volunteers to help us spread the word about our work and would love you to join us Read more

Catenian Pilgrimage 2024

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with JC Journeys and the Catenian Association, led by Rt Rev John Arnold, Bishop of Salford and Rev John Deehan Read more

Returning pilgrims

Have you recently returned from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and are wondering what you can do to help? Read more

Making a Gift in your Will is simple and free with our help

In October we traditionally mark Free Will Month. We are a member of the National Free Will Network. Read about how we can support you to leave a lasting legacy in the Holy Land Read more

Diocesan Co-ordinators

Find details of someone near you Read more

Christmas cards

Order your Christmas cards from us Read more